Many people complain about all the weight they put on over the holidays. So many people look at this time of year from Thanksgiving to New Year’s as an all-you-can-eat marathon. Well, you really don’t have to put on that extra 10 pounds and still enjoy the holidays. That way you don’t have to make a New Year’s resolution to lose weight.
All the things I am going to tell you are things you already know. The first thing I am going to recommend is to cut back on the snacking of Christmas candy. I know this is hard to do because it is easy to keep grabbing piece after piece from the candy bowl. Endless snacking is the cause of a lot of holiday weight gain. Tasting food when it is being made or eating an extra piece of home made holiday candy or bread are the things that can get us in trouble.
Another thing that will really help with the decrease in holiday weight gain is cutting back on your over all in take at meals. I know this sounds easy, but too many people eat more than normal at this time of the year. “All this food looks so good; I have to try it all.” Well, try it all, but don’t take a serving of everything. Also don’t feel like you have to clean your plate. If you start feeling full, stop eating. You would be surprised how a simple act like that can prevent your from getting that “stuffed” feeling and minimize the weight gain. Another easy thing that you can do is waiting 10 minutes before you take your second helping. If you do that, the odds are you won’t take any seconds and then have room for desert.
A few other simple suggestions; are going for a walk after dinner instead of taking a nap, drinking lots of water in between meals, eating fewer carbohydrates and more veggies and protein, and waiting a few hours before having desert. A lot of these things you already know. I am just bringing them to your attention to help you minimize that holiday bulge.
Happy Holidays!
Dr. Gochee