This year from Thanksgiving till December 18, 2020, I have decided to donate 5% of all services (Chiropractic, Functional Medicine and ionCleanse) to Rahab’s Heart. Rahab’s Heart founder Jennifer Wilcox has become a very dear friend and this year I wanted to help support her non-profit. Rahab’s Heart is a Christian non-profit that provides women with the skills necessary to break the chains of poverty and domestic abuse by learning to grow & thrive in the community.
I have been very blessed and supported by my patients and I wanted to share those blessings with a non-profit that I support. During Christmas time, many organizations struggle to meet the needs of all the different community members. This year, I am choosing to help a non-profit that I believe in their mission. Rahab Heart’s purpose is to help empower women to pick themselves back up and make a difference. For some women that can be a little difficult. Rahab’s Heart offers women guided mentorship to help them move through the curriculum, that will help them develop personally, academically, career-wise, and financially. That being said, they are now led to build a safe haven for these women and their children to live in, as they continue on their journeys out of poverty and domestic abuse. They are in the next step in the transformation process.
If you wish to learn more about Rahab’s Heart or make a tax deductible donation you can visit: