Are You Sick and Tired Of Being Sick and Tired? Of Not Having Enough Energy?

All of Dr. Gochee’s blood panels come with a full 20-30 page easy to read, comprehensive Functional Health Report.Ā  These reports are yours to take home after your first visit to read, make notes and reference at future visit.Ā Ā 

Gochee Comprehensive Wellness PanelĀ  –Ā $400

  • Bilirubin, DirectĀ 
  • C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
  • Cardio IQĀ® Omega-3 and -6 Fatty Acids, PlasmaĀ 
  • CBC (includes Differential and Platelets)
  • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP-14)Ā 
  • DHEA Sulfate
  • EstradiolĀ 
  • FerritinĀ 
  • Fibrinogen Activity, Clause
  • Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT)Ā 
  • Hemoglobin A1cĀ 
  • HomocysteineĀ 
  • Iron,Ā Total and Total Iron Binding CapacityĀ 
  • Lactate Dehydrogenase (LD)Ā 
  • Lipid PanelĀ 
  • MagnesiumĀ 
  • Phosphate (as Phosphorus)Ā 
  • Testosterone, Free (Dialysis)Ā and Total LC/MS/MSĀ 
  • Uric AcidĀ 
  • Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy, Total, ImmunoassayĀ 
  • Ā T3 UptakeĀ 
  • T3, Free (FT3)Ā 
  • T3, TotalĀ 
  • T4 (Thyroxine)
  • T4, Free, DirectĀ 
  • Thyroid Peroxidase and Thyroglobulin AntibodiesĀ 
  • TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)

Order the Comprehensive Wellness Panel for Just $400 - A Value of over $4000